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For investors

Poland has transformed itself into one of the most dynamic economies in Europe. This chapter explores the factors that make Poland a promising destination for cross-border investments, especially in early-stage startups. From its remarkable economic transformation to its innovation ecosystem and market potential, Poland offers numerous opportunities for investors seeking a thriving and growth-oriented environment.

This guidebook walks you through the whole Estonian startup-investment ecosystem. This is good use for investors outside of Estonia or local investors who are interested in becoming an angel investor. The guidebook is put toghether in 2024 so all the information presented was valid around this time. 4NGELS is an international angel-investor education project with an aim to encourage cross-border investing into Estonia, Finland, Poland and Slovenia. In the guidebook you’ll get information about Estonia – the land of unicorns, gain insight about local startup ecosystem, useful information about how to find deal flrow, what to take into account culturally, what are local strenghts and challenges, legal information, success stories and emerging trends. The guidebook is free and you are welcome to download it.)

The guidebook is free and you are welcome to download it.)

The guidebook is free and you are welcome to download it.)

For startups