Raw Edge won the 4NGELS Pitching Competition

26 June, 2024

Estonian startup Raw Edge won the 4NGELS Pithing Competition in Slovenian tech conference Podim and receives a syndicate investment from international business angels.

4NGELS angel investor project received 70 startup applications from all over Europe for “Invest2Slovenia” startup training program of which:

  • Only best 20 were selected to participate in the program
  • Best 5 got to pitch in front of 4NGELS community of investors
  • Best 3 were selected to pitch at Podim Conference and compete for the 4NGELS cross-border syndicate.


EstBAN together with Business Angels of Slovenia and other angel networks is proudly presenting the winner that convinced the Slovenian lead investor Nina Dremelj, Investment Committee, and investors at Podim – the Estonian Raw Edge – an innovative startup from Estonia who up-cycles local raw ingredients preventing food waste and crafting them into delicious and healthy beverages. Raw Edge is refreshing like a cold shower and truly tasty fermented soft drink with billions of good bacteria, antioxidants, and vitamins. Without added sugar and synthetic additives, made from local vegetables and particularly low in calories for those watching their figure. It’s good for your gut and great for your body. Congratulations Raw Edge founders Kristel Vene and Mariliis Mia Topp for the win!


3 best startups got to pitch at PODIM Conference


There will soon be a syndicated investment by international business angels made into Raw Edge. If you want to become part of 4NGELS community and have access to all opportunities? Apply HERE.


About 4NGELS project

4NGELS project is an international programme organized by 4 business angel networks: Estonian Business Angels Network (EstBAN), Finnish Business Angels Network (FiBAN), Business Angels of Slovenia, COBIN Angels. The programme is coordinated by Civitta. We bring together investors from Estonia, Finland, Slovenia and Poland to strengthen the level of cross-border investment between our business angel networks.

4NGELS is funded by the European Union.