Investor Talk: Grete Pariis

24 September, 2024
Female angel investor from Estonian Business Angel Network

Investor talk is our new  article series about business angels and their journey to high risk investing, but not only – we also discuss hobbies and finding balance in life.

Grete Pariis, EstBAN member since 2020 juggles multiple roles – a mother of three, a real estate appraiser, and an angel investor, she balances to find time to fit everything into her day. “If I’m going to take something on, I want to do it right,” she says. We dive into a conversation to open her investor and career journey.

“I didn’t plan to become an angel investor,” she recalls about the venture into the world of angel investing. In 2020, she was part of the Women’s Investor Club (Naisinvestorite Klubi) where she met Natalja Napsep, one of the founders of Bidrento. “Natalja introduced me to Ivo Remmelg, who suggested I try EstBAN,” she explains. “I didn’t have two recommendations, just one from Ivo, but he thought it was worth giving it a try anyway”.


Kicking off the angel investor portfolio

And she was accepted! Since joining the business angels, Grete has made about one investment per year, a pace she describes as comfortable and sustainable. “I’m a classic female investor, really,” she notes. “I like to invest into things I understand.” Her goal is to build a portfolio of ten startups over ten years, and she’s currently halfway there. Grete’s cautious and selective approach to investing has served her well so far. “I’m not looking to blow up my portfolio,” she says with confidence. “I invest in what I know and what excites me.” While she dreams of finding the next Bolt or Pipedrive, she’s realistic about the odds.

“Everyone wants a unicorn, but you have to be prepared for the fact that it might not happen.”

As one of few EstBAN female members (women still make up just 9% of the network) – Grete has had to navigate a space that can sometimes feel male-dominated. “When I first joined, there were maybe three or four women in EstBAN,” she says. “It was mostly a room full of men.” Despite this, she’s carved out a niche for herself, and even inspired others to join.


There’s more than investing

Her daily life consists of being a real estate appraiser and a mom of three. After earning a master’s degree in food technology and working in several companies, Grete found herself at a crossroads following the birth of her third child. “I saw an article about real estate appraisers and thought, ‘Why not to try this?’” she recalls. “I reached out to a company that was hiring at the time and ended up as an apprentice. Now, I’m fully immersed in it.”

Grete has also been into horseback riding and even lived and trained in Belgium during her youth. Nevertheless, she’s kept her children, aged 5, 9 and 10 away from the “horse bug.” “Horses require a lot of time and money, it’s a huge commitment, and I want them to find their own paths,” she explains.


How to find fellow investors and investment information?

Despite her busy schedule, Grete makes time for personal development and community engagement. She participates in a mastermind group to surround herself with people who have similar interests. “It’s great to have a community where we can challenge each other and share ideas,” she says.

“Sometimes you need people who push you to think bigger.”

When it comes to staying informed about the latest trends, Grete takes a practical approach. “I get most of my information from radio news and through conversations with people.” As a real estate appraiser, she’s always up-to-date on economic trends and frequently discusses market conditions with analysts. “You have to be in the loop if you want to make informed decisions,” she emphasizes.


Want to dig deeper?

  • If you want to know more, don’t hesitate contacting Grete about real estate appraisals or angel investing.
  • If you want to know who else belongs to EstBAN, see our website.
  • If you would like to educate yourself within angel investing, feel free to browse our website – download resources, watch video trainings and read various investor materials.

Photo credits: Jake Farra