During the New Nordic Leads investment training programme, there were a bunch of video tutorials made for early stage startups and those interested in startup funding, to cover all things related to fundraising. So to keep you comfortably busy (but not too much, because you also need a holiday), here are the most important topics, concentrated to a few minute videos where the most experienced angels and advisors from Estonia and Finland give a few pointers to get started with questions about fundraising.
There’s Riivo Anton giving tips on how much money to raise, from whom etc. Martin Goroško, the new lead investor for EstBAN syndicate for sTARTUp Day 2022, explaining on how to choose the best investor for your company, Yrjö Ojasaar, Will Cardwell and Saga Forss getting more technical on fundraising terms and contracts and many more experts sharing their know-how so YOU, a current or future founder would have the necessary tools to get yourself ready for growing your company using angel investors and help from venture capitalists.
See the videos here, give them a go in a random order, back to back or however you wish. There is gold in each one of them.
In case you have any additional questions or wish to raise funding from EstBAN angels, drop us a line and fill out an application! For FiBAN, check out their webpage and get in contact here.
Happy viewing!